Enterprise slogan
Meiao, Meiao, Be Pround of Meiao

Unlimited Passion , never satisfied, constantly pursue new heights, new surmounting.

Group spirit
Create the innovation,face the challenge, adhere to perseverance.

Innovation: constantly learning, constantly surmounting, always creating new heights;

Challenges: unwilling to be ordinary, not afraid of hardship, encounter and be stronger;

Persistence: focus on goals, persevere, and never give up.

Operating principles
The first enterprise or nothing in the industry

Every time we enter a new industry, in the first 3-5 years, we must be confident and determined to become the industry leader, or never .

Brand positioning
Industry Innovation leader

Through continuous and innovative approach to create a number of areas of leadership, consolidating the position as industry leaders.

Meiao Vision
To be one of the most influential groups in China

Create values for customers, create opportunities for employees, create profits for shareholders,

Create benefits for the society, and become one of the most respected and influential groups.

Meiao group hopes to drive the embodiment of social value through the realization of enterprise value.

Using the sustainable profitability of enterprises to support the disadvantaged groups in the society and the backward areas in need of development,

So as to help the social vulnerable groups to get rid of poverty, but towards prosperity.

Meiao Mission
Strive for better quality of people`s life

Through continuous innovation of products and services, we promote social development and improve the quality of people`s life.

Enjoy the happiness and joy of high quality life.

Therefore, each of us from HIGOLD, must keep our mission in mind, we pursue perfection and details.Because all of these, is affecting quality and happiness of people's life.

Enterprise slogan
Group spirit
Operating principles
Brand positioning
Meiao Vision
Meiao Mission